Friday, November 12, 2010


So not bragging but our batch (Seniors '11) won the best escort, best cheer, best batch shirt and the over all on our Sports Fest a while ago. We were so happy because of it. All our hard works finally paid off and even if we lost our voice, it's worth it. I can say that I'm really really lucky to belong in Batch 2011. We're like a team, one batch, one goal. All of us were cooperative and that's what I'm proud of. Despite of all the rumors and all, we still fought and didn't turn away or lose hope. We're truly united and no matter what, we stick together. Nothing and no one can tear us apart. We're batch 2011 and we're standing tall!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sembreak is Unproductive

What did I do this sembreak?
  1. Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook
  2. Stalked Devon Bostick (new hottie crush)
  3. Doodled and doodled
  4. Read 3 books
  5. Tweak themes on Tumblr
  6. Poked my friends on Facebook
  7. Tweeted like an alien (Kokey) with Harvey Chua (Kekay)
  8. Went out malling
  9. Watched Movies on HBO
  10. Played with
Didn't study, not the mention our teachers gave us tons of homeworks.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Seniors Retreat Dos Mil Onse

Reblogged from Aldric's Post
Because everything is already here. ΓΌ

Good Morning Blogger. I just got back from our school's retreat and I would say I have learned a lot back there. I got closer to my friends and of course, God. The five workshops had made an impact on my life which can help me change for the better. I've learned to fly and go for my dreams and do it all for God. Though I didn't like the singspiration since it contrasted to my Christian-Rock playlist, I still had fun with my friends singing to God.

What I've Learned (Workshops):
1. "Letter From Mom" - My parents did everything for me so I should respect them. But it's still important for me to give my part of the story.
2. "A Short Talk" - I learned to choose my friends, my activities. My counselor also inspired me to serve back in SSHS in the future senior camps.
3. "Church" - We made origami churches. The true meaning of church isn't the building itself but the people worshiping God together.
4. "Silence" - There I felt like God was actually speaking to me. Time for myself proved to be very great as I had a "one on one" with God.
5. "Friendship Monopoly" - Life will force you to make hard decisions and it will take wisdom to make the right ones. Here, I've grown closer to my friends.
Extra: "Bonding Time" - We gave our thanks and messages to our section/batch. It's the 4th year, so if our batch can't stick together, atleast our section should.

What I've Learned (Others):
1. Dress your best but be yourself. Have your own signature look. I usually stick to street style but, I tend to explore my opportunities. LOL
2. Roomies. People you get stuck with aren't really that "attached" to so, find a way to get to them.

The retreat was AMAZING. I wish we had a part two. So there. :))

Friday, August 13, 2010

A busy week ahead

  1. english periodic test
  2. chinese periodic test
  3. UST entrance exam
This means I need a lot of studying to do! Starting from this Friday. I can do it! :P

**oh yes, it's Friday the 13th today, luckily nothing bad happened to me :)) goody goody XD

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My 4th year 1st Quarter Long Test Grades

Economics- passed

Two failing grades. :) okay, try harder next time.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bulletin designing

So this is the English Club Bulletin. Cool right? All of us exerted effort just to finish this. Hope it wins. :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

School Starts on June 15

Time flies faster than you think.
SENIOR already, huh? I don't think I'm able to reach the standards of a senior student, idk. I'm just a little bit worried because I wanna do better this school year coz I want to enter college. Well, I hope I'll pass the entrance exam first. :)) And not only that, I want to study harder to get a better future, like my parents always says to us. Well, it's not that hard, isn't it? I just need to study and study and study, right? No biggy? hihihi.
Basta here's the deal, I can't promise myself that I gonna get higher grades, I'm just gonna do my best and give everything my best shot. I think that's going to do it. :)

So, there. No computer for a year again. :|