Saturday, October 31, 2009

2nd Periodic Exam Summary Oct 26- 29

Oct 26, Monday
Trigonometry and Social test, uhm..easy compared to other subjects.
Oct 27, Tuesday
Math and Filipino test, the test was fine..hehe.
Around 10pm, my stomach ached so much so we rushed to the ER of Metro Hospital, the doctor said that I have hyper acidity. Got home around 1am. Didn't review Chemistry for the PT tomorrow.
Oct 28, Wednesday
Papa woke me up around 6:30 am, my stomach still ached, ate some crackers and rushed towards school. I was late, hehe. Then I went up to our classroom and told Ms. Jadraque what happen last night and I also asked her if she could allow me to eat some crackers during the test, so she allowed me to. English test was okay, but the Chemistry test was the hardest! Good thing I didn't study it anymore. After the tests, me and my dad went to the doctor for some check up.
Oct 29, Thursday
Chong hap and ki ho test. Before the test, me, Clarence and Paul sat around the stage and talk to each other and shared some secrets. The bell rang, we went up, chong hap test was very easy. We had our long recess, so I went to the library with Camille, chatted with her and emoted too.:)) Ki ho test, easy rin. After that we went to the canteen to fit our batch shirts.
I think the kwo wun test is going to be tuesday, good luck to me.:D

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