Saturday, February 27, 2010


I really love the performances, the singing and dancing, the band 'D Lost Tempo'. My favorite is the hip hopers of the Seniors, I so love everything they did. The slide show of the picture and memories of the Seniors made me so much emotional even if it only features the 4th year. But my favorite of all is out bonding at the Stephenian Hall. It made me very happy to see their smiles in their faces. And it proves that inspite of all the fights and competitions we've been through, SENIORS and JUNIORS can also e united as one cause we all are proud Stephenians.

Friday, February 19, 2010

sunday school students 2009-2010

chinese new year and valentines

SSHS breaking news!

There's a beehive at school and it was covered with yucky bees!! THIS IS REAl!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Feb 09 and 12 '10

FEB 09 -- Field Trip

credits to Deena


  1. Nature's Spring
  2. Science Centrum, MOA
  3. GSIS Museum
  4. Snow World, Star City

Ms. Jadraque was my seat mate on the bus, took some pics with her. Nature's Spring..was boring, actually. Science centrum was the best place for me.. played PVZ. GSIS museum was filled with paintings but we can't touch nor take a picture..aww. Snow World's the coldest and most freezing place! Imagine -15 degrees!! Got some pictures, you can check it on my facebook. Well, after the FT, I  got the worst headache..rawr. BAD ENDING.

FEB 12 -- Star Gazing

credits to Aldric

Watched 2010, boring. :)) Skywatched.. my favorite is Saturn.. coz it looks like a sticker..haha :)) Most of the 3rd year slept on one big table, haha. I slept for just 3 hours, but survived. Then we went to Mcdo, our hangout place. 
Aldrin Go, Andrew Laron and I sang a new version of THUNDER, with raps sounds like Sean Paul. LOL. I'll surely miss this. :">

Saturday, February 6, 2010


You know why? Cause Field Trip's on Monday and Stargazing's gonna be on Friday!

I'm so excited! Camille is my seat mate on the bus and we're going to have a great time (just wish that she wont vomit like last year), wanna have a fun trip! Going to take tons of pictures yeah, class picture too. Hope that Nature's Spring, Science Centrum and Snow world's going to be a interesting place, and hope that they'll give us a warm welcome. Also wishing for an safe trip!

Friday is reserved for our Stargazing, exclusively for HS Science club members. I know stargazing is spectacular because you're not only there to watch stars, moons and planets but you'll also love the hangout and stuffs. I LOVE STAYING UP LATE ALSO! Maybe no sleep is much better don't you think? 

Well tata now :"> going back to tumblr. :))