Sunday, February 14, 2010

Feb 09 and 12 '10

FEB 09 -- Field Trip

credits to Deena


  1. Nature's Spring
  2. Science Centrum, MOA
  3. GSIS Museum
  4. Snow World, Star City

Ms. Jadraque was my seat mate on the bus, took some pics with her. Nature's Spring..was boring, actually. Science centrum was the best place for me.. played PVZ. GSIS museum was filled with paintings but we can't touch nor take a picture..aww. Snow World's the coldest and most freezing place! Imagine -15 degrees!! Got some pictures, you can check it on my facebook. Well, after the FT, I  got the worst headache..rawr. BAD ENDING.

FEB 12 -- Star Gazing

credits to Aldric

Watched 2010, boring. :)) Skywatched.. my favorite is Saturn.. coz it looks like a sticker..haha :)) Most of the 3rd year slept on one big table, haha. I slept for just 3 hours, but survived. Then we went to Mcdo, our hangout place. 
Aldrin Go, Andrew Laron and I sang a new version of THUNDER, with raps sounds like Sean Paul. LOL. I'll surely miss this. :">

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