Friday, July 31, 2009

Parent Teacher Conference

After Chinese classes, Harvey, Mazda, Anne, Aldric and me went to the Stephenian hall to go to the PTC. We saw teachers, parents, and some students walking around. At first we just hang around, laugh and talk a bit. Just a minute later, we saw a tray filled with Jojo candies and Happy nuts place on top of a table, Harvey said : "ui! ang daming candy! Kuha tayo!" All of us rushed towards the table and got some candies to eat, but I think those candies and nuts are for the parents, not for us. But we got some of it even though its not for us, because its yummy, according to Harvey and Mazda. After that, we saw those chinese teachers comming up the Stephenian hall, first we saw Terror, Jollibee and Sharon. They went inside the inner Stephenian hall immediately. Of course we greeted those teachers to show RESPECT, it went pretty fine, i think. 5 minutes later, Jarjar went up the stairs, exhausted. I think deep inside, she is saying "Success, I'm already here!" Mazda told us that Jarjar went up with Terror and the others but Jarjar was very late, i think you know why already! Jarjar just walked across the table filled with candies, and 1 second passed, half of the candies and nuts were gone! We are in shocked on that moment, especially Harvey. So we just ate those candies left. Almost died in shame. Janitors looked and laughed at us, super embarrassing, we thought that they're thiking that we're PG's (patay gutom), basically some of us really are.

I saw my auntie at the middle of our talk with the Sharolites--consist of Harvey, Mazda and Anne, and i pulled her to join the PTC. First teacher I've chosen for her to talked to is Mr. Buendia, not doubt, he had shown off his plasticness to my auntie! After him, Ms. De Torres was next, to help my aunt in falling a line, I helped her. Mazda and Harvey are going on that time, so we waved to them and said our goodbyes. Okay, next, my aunt just went to our science teacher, Miss Canlas. My quizzes are falling down, 85, 90, 76, 68 and Long test was 72. And the worst comment was she said I'm a noisy person! After that my aunt proceeded to our math teacher, Ms. De Torres. She said my quizzes are fine, but I have one failing mark but its ok, because I have a 100 to balance it. Ms. De Torres was smiling and to me when talked to my aunt, Anne said "maybe she's telling the worst things about you!" Oh no!!! Well then, after that its my trigonometry teacher's turn,Ms. Jadraque. Unfortunately, the line was so long, and we need to hurry because we should go home right away. So we just skipped her, after that my aunt we to our Filipino teacher, Gng. Delos Reyes. My aunt told me her comments to me was good, thanks to my special ability, which i called sipsipity! You might as well try it, pretty effective. Then, moving on, my aunt went to my Chinese teachers Rabbit and Jolence. Then she went to Mrs. Briones, my English teacher. My aunt said that the only comment that she has given to her for me is me being a talkative person, well thats the reality, nobody could change that. After Mrs. Briones, Mr. Ping was next, for your information, he is our social teacher. His comments was the worst! He said I'm talkative, noisy and active, super active, in short, HYPERACTIVE..whoosh.

Inside the car:
What does my teacher said about me??(I asked again just to be sure):
she answered: who?
I said: Ms. De Torres- She said: The dark-skinned teacher?
Ms. Canlas- The big-eyed teacher?
Mrs. Delos Reyes- The old one?
Mrs. Briones- The thin teacher who knows how to speak in chinese?
Mr. Buendia- The one who have brought the small laptop with him?
Mr. Ping- The teacher who commented the worst to you?
She answered: "They all commented that your the most talkative in class!! Thanks to Mr. Buendia (Who is now my favorite teacher) for his plasticness! Thank you very much!!

Well this end my PTC day! For all those teachers who commented badly to me, lagot kayo sakin! muhahaha! :))

Where are those teachers?

Here's what we do when the teachers are all gone! Cellphone, psp, ipod, talking, laughing doing nonsense things, some of them are studying! woo! The nerds do that every time! Well, the main purpose of having free time is having free time! Duh?! What do you think it is for??
We had a lot chit chat with Jackielyn, Roselle, Aldric and Harvey. Picture taking for facebook! Aldric's kinda acting like lady gaga! totally weird! Speaking of lady gaga, Ms. Canlas' magic bag has the lady gaga picture printed!! Moving back, I'm so bored and I have nothing to do so I just pulled Jackie's eyeliner and experimented Harvey's face!You can't see the transformation in this picture but I used Jackie's eyeliner to put eye bugs below his eyes! Funny! And I also made an fake bruise on Aldric's hand, it's kinda real, i think!
Oh, the bell rang, its time for Chinese, many tests! My gosh, start studying!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cute and cuddly!

To introduce, the guy at the left is Harvey Chua and at the right is Paul Chua, okay i know what you're thinking, but they are not brothers, nor twin brothers. They are just normal students that go to school on weekdays like me. But they has many similarities too, like they are both funny, they always bring happy faces in class and they are also joke tellers. They're so cute and cuddly right? Harvey's like a bear and Paul's like a cute hamster. Nice! :))

*I would never say bad things about them coz who knows what they can do to me?

Top Ten Tutorial Canter- you guys are the best!

I really missed you guys! Tedrick, Anthon, Sydney, Sean, Dennis, Amaryah, Kyla, Charina, Gianna, Paul, Leifel, Adrian and of course Achi Cathy. I also miss the fun and laughter we've been through and those wonderful memories we've made. I just want to say thanks to all of you for those laughter and no study, daldal and no memorize, love team love teams, noices, tears and shout out louds. I don't have any regrets on meeting you because this has been a awesome part of my life. Gonna miss everything. Thanks and i hope you'll always be fine. God bless! You guys are the best!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

before and after

WTF! OMG! After Camille's relationship with David, Jehan comes along. Fast?? yeah, super fast. I hope she won't be hurt so much anymore. Well my advice is don't put things very quickly, do it using a process, slowly but surely. Always make a person wait for you, that's a reminder for all of us, espescially girls. Make him wait, so when your he's, he wont stand to lose you anymore, he will always come to beg for you, now that's true love. TRUE LOVE IS ALL ABOUT WAITING TILL THE END. God bless :)

No refill

"Love yourself before loving other people"

Ugly face, Ugly personality

Miley Cyrus! urgh, every time i hear her name, yucks. She doesn't know how to sing or act! Really, eww..i cant believe my younger sister loves her! "Miley's a b*tch" according to Mr. Harvey Chua. I think she really is a loser and trying hard actress. Am I right??:P

Weird Humor

yeah, yeah. I know Harvey got this also in his blog but mine is another version of it:
the C U tom- copper tom! we didn't even understand a thing when she said that!
its like this:
Ms. Canlas: to remember copper, remember SEE YOU TOM--copper tom!
3 red: huh??? (don't understand her humor)
Ms. Canlas: SEE YOU TOM nga, copper tom!
[others still cannot get it]
3 red: hahahahahaha! (kunyaring tawa)
Lesson: dont make a joke that you think your students will not understand ;))

**we told this to Arvin and he said when Miss Canlas told "her joke" to 3 blue, f.y.i. the TALENTED SECTION, all of them pulled out their periodic tables and looked for the CU copper tom! huhuhu, at least we didn't do that!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

"My Friends"

My katropas! "Sa hirap at ginhawa magkaramay hababng buhay!!"

okay, to introduce, 1st one on the left, harvey chua- the big guy who always calls me "JARJAREN", also the president of the *SHAROLITES*. 2nd one is Mazda Cai, the genius one,we passed second year because of him!muhahaha he is also the prime minister of sharolites! Richvy Chua, my auntie, the one who guides me everytime!miss responsible, for short! Priscilla Aquino, the Muslim girl..really, she is a true muslim!according to our classhead Mark. Then,me..hmmm, that's all, me! Kendrick Padua, a funny person, teacher trasher, intriga maker, and lots more, see for yourself! Then our computer teacher Mr. Arvin Buendia, "never been a boring teacher"..hmm, where's Ms. Jem San Miguel's? not here? owww:(. Moving on, we have Jackielyn Ballada, the tallest and the rockista of our barkada, i think she's the one who told me the true meaning of music! Then we have, Anne Louie Romo, A very kulit person but a great person to hang out with, she is also the pope of the sharolites, she with the help of Mazda makes super cute prayers and stuffs! haha! Post it here next time. Next is Adric Go, he's a nice person, the one who made my layout and etc here on my blog! haha. The last one is Camille Lee, best friend slash sister slash mama slash camera girl slash chick girl of our barkada, you know why? 20 in a row, i think! woohhooo!!
*SHAROLITES* -the creation of Miss Sharol Petinez. (Single at 31 is sexy)