Saturday, August 1, 2009

Condolence to the family of former president CORAZON AQUINO who just passed away this morning at the age of 76. We're really going to miss you and we will never forget you. Thank you for your administration for our country. We are very proud of you being our former president and thank you very much for your guidance towards all of us. We will always pray for you and your spirit. It's really hard for us to take that you are gone but I think you really need to rest in heaven. And I know that you will be happy there because in this moment I think you are already with your husband Ninoy Aquino and also with the Lord. And we know that He will take care of you. I heard the poem that you've written, a line there says that in just a little time, we will all be together again, this separation is just temporary. And we believe that your words are true. Once again I want to thank you for all the goodness and kindness you've shown and did for us. And also for your courage and love. We love you and we don't have any regrets of having you. You will always be an inspiration to us and you'll always remain in our hearts.

"President Cory has earned her place in history as the leader who brought back hope to our country. She was our guiding light during those dark moments. She is an icon, beacon of democracy. She will live forever in our hearts."

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